

Friday 20 December 2013

The true meaning of Detox


It isn’t the prettiest of words is it? 

Quite a harsh sounding, snappy tone especially if you say it out loud. It evokes feelings of loss and abstinence, yet all for the supposed greater good. Quite dull all round really! 

It is Christmas after all. Simply the season to be Merry surely? Bright lights and mince pies. Drinks by the open fire. This tradition is fun, sparkly and indulgent and we love it for those very reasons. It is the sweetest of times full of warmth, love and kindness and nothing needs to ever change that.

The ‘nasty’ Detox thoughts are usually put on hold until long after all the presents are unwrapped. Only once the decorations go back in the box do thoughts surface in an attempt to undo all the holiday havoc.....

I prefer to view ‘Detox’ another way. I choose to picture it on Santa’s ‘Nice’ not ‘Naughty’ list instead. I like the idea of clearing out the old to make way for the new. Both physically and emotionally.  To attract space for new beginnings, new starts and new feelings. The freshness sweeping softly in. We must detox to allow this process to happen.  Infact, let’s spin this (hated) word on its head. Detox doesn’t need to be about damage control and clearing up after over-indulging/hoarding. Detox can be a part of the celebrations too. Be nice - let it join in :-)

It’s impossible to keep loading up year after year without clearing out. Much like an overflowing attic, eventually you have to ditch some rubbish if you want (or need) some space.  I’m not saying throw it all away and start over. Everyone loves a sentimental memory to treasure. But try and  pick your treasures wisely, for they represent you, and your life memories. Hang onto them dearly and enjoy them even more by de-cluttering the junk around them and allowing them the space to shine brightly.

In the same way, free up your head space a little if you can. Let go of negative emotions and allow room for new joyful ones to pop in. Quite simply your head is not that large so you have to choose what you allow to live in there. And it is your choice for the majority of the time. Thoughts should be fleeting, they are born to come and go. Don’t resist them but don’t hang onto them unnecessarily either because you may be blocking out another amazing emotion/feeling/thought that is next in line in the queue eagerly trying to find a way in. In the same way as you’ve lovingly kept that box of sentiments in the attic, keep an ‘box’ in your head for the valuable memories, and then create refreshing space around it.

I’ve subconsciously found myself in a detox phase these past few months. It almost feels as if I’m preparing for something. Whatever that may be? I’m open to it anyway. Ive de-cluttered my room, my cupboards, my space. Ive throw out paperwork, makeup, and clothes. It feels cathartic and liberating. Sometimes the ‘stuff’ almost guiltily weighs you down anyway. If I create space I can both attract and welcome new things (or people, experiences and/or situations) into my world without feeling overwhelmed. We cannot ask for 'more' if there simply is no room for it, whether that is a partner, a friendship or a possession.

Letting go of head ‘stuff’ is definitely harder than clearing a drawer out however, and the most successful way I know of addressing that is to just allow yourself moments to fully relax, feel joy, and find peace. To meditate, to be creative, to sing, dance, giggle, walk in the woods or to get your yoga mat out. Anything which grounds you seems to also simultaneously bring you peace of mind and naturally lets the stagnant thoughts flow out. They simply seem to matter less when you connect with something far more powerful than yourself.

In the same way, we can relate this to our bodies and our health. If we keep eating rubbish food then we simply don’t have the space in our stomach for the nourishing goodness we desperately need. 

It is Christmas so  fully embrace and enjoy the luxuries, but if you just leave a little stomach (and head, and home) space for something healthy too then your New Year Detox wont seem such a scary prospect :-)

C xx