

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Oh to be Inspired:

Inspiration is a truly amazing thing. It ranks really high up there! It provides us with the idea, the push, the oomph to create lives we love. It is the force that can propel us forward and guide our direction.

We all need a bit of guidance, advise or inspiration to get us started and to keep us going. Sometimes we get so caught up in the daily grind that we forget to look for, or follow our purpose. 

Forget to pursue our ultimate goals. 

Forget to follow the path of happiness.

Forget to play.

Then, out of the blue, a cosmic jolt of inspiration can spin our world. It can remind us and reconnect us to our desires. It could be a magazine article on ‘planting your own herbs’ or ‘ways to start a business’. It could be a piece of art or photography. Whatever the form of media there is always ‘something’ which evokes a response in our hearts. Something which gets our brains stirring, our voices active, our hearts singing. We come alive. This is your passion. This is your joy. This is your purpose.

“What do you talk about most?”

“What do you read for pleasure?”

“What forums and blogs do you subscribe to?”

Inspiration is a tool for me. It is as important to me as my daily meditation practice and the food in my fridge. I actively seek it as a way to stay on track and remain positive and happy. I make it an activity in itself. I search and immerse myself in blogs and articles on things that inspire me - nutrition, healing, yoga, happiness. 

If I feel unproductive, blue, or stagnant I tap into my ‘inspiration box’. I listen, and I read, and I connect with other incredible people who are on similar journeys and who genuinely inspire me. They give me ideas. They motivate me. They reignite the flame. I feel a buzz.

.......And the shift is dramatic. To tune into my hopes and dreams, my passions (even if they are not always clear cut) is incredibly powerful. It shifts my whole perception and ‘energy’ state.

Our whole health is a balanced connection between Mind, Body and Soul and I believe that our ‘energy’ or ‘aura’ is fundamental to this triangle. Energy shifts are not necessarily related to physical energy. I can be feeling very tired and still create a soulful ‘shift’. You just need to find the BUZZ!

Seek inspiration as your starting point. Read books you love, watch programs on your favourite topic areas, get that sewing machine out. At first you may not see the point but as you continually and deliberately connect to your passion a shift will take place. Your energy will realign. See it as a practice you must devote time to.

Find your Inspiration. 

See what comes from it.

C xx

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