

Monday 6 January 2014

That January Healing....

As someone who has a LOT of healing to do I have increasingly been working towards consuming ONLY nourishing foods and products. My thinking behind this is that, if we are truly what we eat, and if food is in fact our medicine, then I personally need as much of the ‘good stuff’ as possible. If ‘bad stuff’ causes immflamation (which lead to a host of disease states) or simply gives the body no benefit then why waste my time with it?

I guess the obviously answer as to why we eat the chocolates, the crisps and the cakes (are you drooling yet?!) is that they TASTE GOOD! They make us FEEL GOOD. We just like them ok?! 

And, actually if you are super healthy then please go ahead and apply the 80/20 rule. A little is not going to kill you. However, know for sure, that temporary sugar high will ALWAYS have a come-down :-(

The main thing to accept and appreciate is that food is what we function, survive and thrive on.

Take a moment to fully appreciate this.

Food is the primary fuel for our amazing bodies and minds. It helps us live, work and play. It aids in creating babies and being happy. It really is the forefront of everything. I wonder if you would take your beloved Mini Cooper and fill her up with the wrong petrol type and expect her to be fine? Probably not. You’d probably anticipate a host of problems and repercussions? There would be damage done which would take a lot of repair.

Surely our bodies deserve more love and TLC than a car? Yet we seem to be ok with abuse of it. To be fair, I think that we have understandably simply forgotten what the point of food is and the choices bombarding us get so confusing. Eating isn’t just about pleasure and instant gratification. A quick fix when you feel blue. Mindless consumption to ease the boredom. It is EVERYTHING. We cannot exist without food (and water) and while we can ‘get by’ on rubbish diets we will inevitably get problems (of some kind) at some point. 

Imagine instead feeling fabulous every day! I want that! We were born to experience that.

Change takes time and nowadays I try to make conscious food choices at every meal.. I don’t want to eat anything which my body will react to, or will need to work hard to digest. I want fuel which gives my cells energy and vitality. I want as much goodness as possible. In truth I crave all the help I can get. I know that the majority of us don’t need to be so extreme but it does get you thinking about your choices?

If you want to start somewhere and this all seems overwhelming, the best advise would be to ‘just add in more goodness’. Don’t think any further than just increasing your fruit, salad and vegetable intake, swapping your margarine for real butter (yes you NEED fat to function!), and munching on nuts and seeds. Without thinking about it you will start to simply have less room for the ‘bad stuff’ and slowly your habits will change. This is a good start. *
Please ditch the ‘diet’ foods too. They are full of sugar, additives and GM products. Much like the caterpiller becomes the butterfly, a healthy, vibrant and attractive person will emerge from eating whole, real foods. You will lose weight too (if you desire.)

If in doubt ask yourself whether the food in question has either ‘come from an animal, been picked from the ground, or grown on a tree?'' If it has thats great! If it hasn’t it probably isn’t going to be doing any nourishing any time soon.

Today, we live such busy lives that the philosophy of eating has completely changed. But  sometimes ‘the way your grandmother did it’ really is the best advise :-)

It may seem more time consuming at first but it honestly can be very simple and easy. Just take it step by step. If you need help find a Food coach. Or contact me!

Real food can help you live a truly Bright life.  It can give you the potential to be everything you were born to be. And we could all use a little help :-)

C xx

*Im itching to mention the merits of chicken broth and chia seeds but its probably too soon right?! haha. Next time!

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