

Friday 28 February 2014

Give yourself a Hug

Self love.......

What’s all that about?

Are images of tree-hugging hippys flashing through your mind right now? Hehe. Stay with me folks...because Self-Love isn’t such a crazy idea when you break it down......

We could all use a little spoiling and if someone else indulges us we embrace it. We LOVE it. If our partner or friend gives us a spontaneous hug, buys us a gift, or just sends us a ‘thinking of you’ text we feel warm and fuzzy inside. Somebody cares. Somebody loves me. The world feels a cozier place.

Yet, we don’t feel comfortable treating our-selves in the same loving kind way in which we would treat a friend. We don’t feel like we are worthy of treats and indulgence unless someone else decides it. Unless somebody else gives it to us.


Why shouldn’t we be our own best friend sometimes? Of course, it is lovely and special when love comes from an external source. It warms our heart and it connects us emotionally. And we do need this. But there are times when much as you crave it the support isn’t there. Your friends/family/partner may be going through their own stuff themselves. Or they may just be super busy with life. There are occasions when everyone in your circle is just bogged down and no--one is free to dish out the support. For whatever reason you don’t get the nourishment you desire. 

Choose now to take the time for some Self-Love. 

You don’t need to wait until someone else decides to pamper you. Give yourself a hug. Tell yourself ‘you’re fab’ and that you deserve the best.

So, if you do need a pick-me-up know that it is okay. 

Embrace it. Go with it. Enjoy it.

Here are some ideas;

- Run yourself a bubble bath. Use the best oil. Light the candles. Fill the water to the top and stay there for as long as you want. 

- Play your favourite songs up loud and dance around. Be silly.

- Wear your ‘best clothes’ - today can be the day you decide is special enough.

- Cook yourself a lovely meal. Set the table. Use the best crockery. Savour every mouthful.

- Bake yourself a chocolate cake. Or just eat one!

- Buy yourself some flowers. Amazing ones!

- Stay in bed all day reading magazines, napping, and eating chocolate

- Paint a picture or write in your journal.

- Snuggle under a blanket and watch a film or read a book.

- Spend time in a bookshop with a cup of coffee and drift off into the land of make-believe.

Basically, do the very things that you would love someone else to give you permission to do. Or that you would love someone else to do for you. Know that you don’t need their consent. Make yourself feel special. Give yourself the same advise you would give a friend. 

Once a very close beautiful friend of mine confided in me that she would love nothing more than to spend her rare day off chilling in bed and eating cake. To not get dressed. To just slob out. To not be a mum for a day. To do nothing. But she felt too guilty to entertain her desire even though she deserved it. I wished I could have given her that gift. 

Choose to give yourself ‘time’ without any commitments. Spend it just as you wish. Take your watch off. Turn the phone off. Do whatever you desire. Even an hour will do. Grab a moment when you can. If it is rare then the luxury will be even more blissful. But know that you deserve it.

Dismiss and reject the guilt and allow yourself to embrace a little self-love.

C xxx


  1. Great ideas for being kind to yourself. I need to allow myself to relax much more without feeling guilty. And to wear more of my clothes reserved for special outings! Look forward to your next post :)

    1. Thankyou. Glad you liked it. Def wear those good clothes :-) x


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